Pinto Announcements

Posted on March 11th, by Gold Khourey & Turak in Uncategorized. Comments Off on Pinto Announcements


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2014 Pike Pinto All-Star Tournament
When: July 9th through July 13th
Where: Dimmeydale
Cost: $200.00 per Team
Format: Pool Play for seeding then an A and B Bracket Single Elimination Tournament.
Contact: Sam Lewis – by Phone: (304) 280-8841 or by email ( Info:
Teams are added on a first come, first serve basis – with a maximum of 16 teams.Trophies will be awarded for 1st and 2nd Place for the A and B Brackets.MVPS will be awarded for each game and an overall MVP will be awarded at the end of the tournament.On Saturday, July 12 – There will be a Home Run Derby (10 pitches per player), A fastest base runner, and a throwing accuracy competition. Each skills competition entered is $5.00 per player. So if entering all three the cost would be $15.00. A trophy will be awarded 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place of each skill competition.

Batting Cages are closed for the duration of the tournament.

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